Digital Wellness

Take Control of Your Tech – Not the Other Way Around

Do you check your screens first thing in the morning or last thing at night?

Do you feel overwhelmed by your Screens and Digital Devices?

Are you 24/7 connected to Technology?

Have you ever tried reducing your Screen Time and deleting your social media apps but failed again?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, this is the course for you!


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Included with this Healthier Tech Lifestyle® Course

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  • 6 Modules of video training (1 hour and 39 minutes) from Rijul Arora, a Certified Digital Workplace and Wellness Educator
  • 1 full year of unlimited course access.

PLUS 2 special bonus ebooks:

  1. "Become Wiser with Technology"
  2. "Personalized Daily Digital Detox Planner"

You'll Learn:

  • We are not here to tell you to do a Digital Detox and go cold turkey from technology
  • Basics of Digital Wellness and Screen Time
  • Trends and Advances in Digital Wellness (Metaverse, ChatGPT, Quiet Quitting, Mental Health, and more)
  • 2 Big Problems we face with Screens
  • Psychology behind how habit-forming technology products work
  • 5 solutions to lead a healthy relationship with technology


Customer Reviews

Roshni C.

Great Course! Rijul explained it in layman's language & easy to adopt tips. I am excited to practice those tools in my day-to-day life.

Radhica A.

Love it. I already see the difference in my mental health and productivity by implementing the steps mentioned in the course.Quite a practical and concise course!

Michelle N.

I really enjoyed the course! The course offered so many practical strategies, tips and tools that promote digital wellness. I have been able to use the tools and resources to support my clients with their digital wellness goals. Thank you!

Meet Your Instructor

A Certified Digital Workplace & Wellness Educator, Rijul’s vision is to enable people to lead a healthy relationship with technology.

He's a millennial who’s been on both sides of technology & social media distraction. He's been completely distracted by technology, left it completely, and has now found a way to maintain a healthy relationship.

And now he works tirelessly to to spread this message of a healthy relationship with technology through more than 150 global & local platforms like TEDx, International Summits, Podcasts & leading corporates, colleges, and schools across the world.

He's also been featured among the top 28 Digital Wellness Thought Leaders in the World by Bagby 2022 Digital Wellness Collaborative Report. And media houses like YES Magazine, Dainik Bhaskar, Digital Wellness Lab, and ETV Bharat have featured his work.

He's a Microsoft Digital Workplace Expert & has worked with corporate giants like EY, PwC & IBM.


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